New Timing, New Format For Parade of Champions

Each year, Norfolk County and the Norfolk County Sports Hall of Recognition team up to host the Parade of Champions. This event recognizes individuals and teams who have medaled (i.e. finished first, second, or third) at provincial, national, or international championships, as well as anyone who has received individual honours (such as Coach of the Year) from provincial, national, or international sports organizations.

What’s Changing?
For the past few years, the Parade of Champions has been held at the Norfolk County Fair. This year, the Sports Hall Board has decided to try a different venue. This year’s Parade of Champions will take place at the Port Dover Community Centre on Sunday September 29th. The event will begin at 2 p.m.

Who is Eligible?
The Parade of Champions will recognize:

  • Norfolk County individuals and teams who have medaled (i.e. finished first, second, or third) at provincial, national, or international championships. (In the case of sports that don’t have a provincial championship to go to, we also recognize those who finished first, second, or third at highest competitive level available; for example, CWOSSA, in the case where there is no OFSSA championship in that sport.)
  • Individuals from Norfolk who play on out-of-town teams (e.g. teams from other regions, provincial teams, etc.) are eligible for recognition if their team medaled at provincial, national, or international competitions
  • Teams and Individuals who have received awards (such as Coach of the Year, Team of the Year, All-Star etc.) from provincial, national, or international sports organizations

How Can You Help?
If you know of a team or individual whose achievements since October 2023 would qualify them for the 2024 Parade of Champions, and they have not already been recognized at Council or at last year’s Parade of Champions, please contact us before September 16, 2024 at to let us know. In the case of a team, please provide a contact person willing to relay and provide information. We’re keeping a running list but don’t want to miss anyone!

How Will I Know If I’m Invited?
The Sports Hall will reach out to eligible individuals and teams (through a contact person), providing the details. However, if you don’t receive information about the event and think you should be included, please contact us at to let us know.