A tireless volunteer in the south coast community of Port Dover, Peter Timpf has spent countless hours helping with minor softball, the Port Dover Skating Club and Ontario Rural Softball Organization (ORSA). He has seen his hard work pay off in more ways than one. Having served with Port Dover Minor Softball for almost 30 years, Peter now sees the players he coached as youngsters coming back to help lead the next generation.
“A few of them are teachers, including Amber, my oldest daughter,” Timpf says. “A lot of them now have kids that are playing ball, in fact, a bunch of them coached last year which is really neat.”
Peter’s involvement in Port Dover Minor Softball was timely, coming when the organization was hanging by a thread. “They were tight with volunteers and the organization was going to fold,” he notes. “I went to a meeting and stuck my hand up to be vice president and then it just kind of went on from there.” His involvement in the organization continued for almost three decades, as a member of the executive, as president from 1992 on, and as a long-time coach.
Timpf coached Port Dover girls’ teams to Ontario Rural Softball Association titles in 1996 and 2008. In addition to coaching numerous local squads, Peter was an assistant coach for the Oakville Angels when they won the Eastern Canadian title in 2000. He also served as an assistant coach for the Whitby Angels midget girls’ team in 2003, and helped coach the Varsity Women’s Softball Team at Mohawk College for seven years.
Peter was a member of the Port Dover Figure Skating Club’s Board for a number of years, acting in various roles ranging from carnival chair and Can-Skate Coordinator to President.
At the time of his induction, Peter had also been on the Ontario Rural Softball Association executive since 2010.
Timpf first got involved in both figure skating and softball when his daughters were growing up, but he continued his volunteer activity long after they had moved on. He also fund-raised and volunteered with the Port Dover Kinsmen Club, and was named Port Dover’s Citizen of the Year in 2017.